Gary Thompson
Tumuaki - Chief Executive
Ngāti Paoa, Ngāti Hauā.
Acknowledged for his work in the Māori development sector, Gary is a skilled facilitator and co-designer of kaupapa Māori solutions for a wide range of growth and development initiatives. He was previously Kaiwhakarite for Community Waikato, and he holds a Master of Management from the University of Auckland.
Gary was integral in the establishment of Hei Āhuru Mōwai Māori Cancer Leadership Aotearoa alongside like-minded people. He is also a highly experienced governance officer having served as co-chair for Hei Āhuru Mōwai, Trustee of Pinnacle Health Trust, Chair of the Taumata Hauora Māori advisory committee to Pinnacle Health, and Member of the Māori Monitoring and Equity Group to the National Screening Unit.
Gary led his iwi through pre-treaty settlement negotiations and the post governance settlement activities. He’s held directorships in the health sector and been the chair of a hapū based Ahu Whenua Trust Farm Trust. He is a marae representative on Te Whakakitenga – Waikato Tainui, a Councillor for Matamata Piako District Council, and a member of the Audit and Assurance committee.
He enjoys being active on his marae when time allows, spending time with his sons, playing golf, kapa haka, and playing with the grandchildren.