Mō Mātou. About Us.

Hei Āhuru Mōwai - meaning sheltered haven - was a name gifted to us by Kaumatua Kingi Turner (Ngāti Maniapoto) in 2012. It embodies our mission to provide a safe space for Māori cancer specialists to come together, wānanga, and collectively address Māori cancer inequities.

We are a network of Māori cancer specialists and researchers committed to rangatiratanga in cancer control, eliminating cancer inequities between Māori and non-Māori, and improving cancer outcomes for whānau Māori across Aotearoa.

Our rōpū is led by Co-chairs Dr Nina Scott and Professor Jacquie Kidd and Tumuaki CEO Gary Thompson.​

We come from a variety of backgrounds including oncology, general medicine, public health, onco-surgery, wairua healing, health promotion, bio medical cancer science, mātauranga Māori cancer research, cancer screening, equity, haematology, pharmacology, advocacy, nursing, epidemiology and Māori health.​

We focus on cancer research, system level cancer issues and collaborating with Māori leaders across the health sector.